Monday, August 2, 2010

People People - August 3, 2010

I somehow give the impression that I'm an outgoing, extroverted and possibly even a people person. A people person? Me?

Not a chance.

I took an in-depth test one time to determine the truth of my slant. Introverted? Extroverted? Let the truth be known.

It came up 50/50. So, I can truthfully claim to be either...or both....or maybe even neither. The true test of introversion and extroversion is the answer to this: How do you recharge your personal batteries? Does retreating and having personal space refresh you? Or, does going out and being with friends recharge you?

For me, it's personal space. Quiet time. Being by myself.

I enjoy my personal space so much that I prefer solo travel, vacations, even road trips. To have it any other way is a drain on my resources.

To those who think I'm a People Person, I'm sorry to say, it just isn't true. I can be outgoing temporarily; I can chat it up as well as anyone, and I often even talk too much. It's a short-lived push into the other side of my personality and I tire of it quickly.

I admire those who are People People. I think they have more fun in life because people can be fun. For now, though, I am satisfied with a quieter life.

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