Monday, July 26, 2010

Plus-Sized? - July 26, 2010

I hate to admit how long it took for my brain to say "hey, wait a minute!" when I saw the article online about the model who was upset that the media airbrushed her likeness from size 10 down to a size 2.

The article defined this attractive, size 10 model as a 'Plus-Sized Model'.

Plus Sized? A size 10? Are you kidding me?

Marilyn Monroe is considered to be one of the sexiest of leading ladies in our pop culture. Even now, people look at her and admire her beauty and sexiness. Marilyn Monroe was not plus-sized. She was proportioned as a woman should be. Women have curves.

Marilyn Monroe was a size 14.

If size 10 models are going to be the new poster art for plus-sized women, God help us. I'll just start subscribing to the Porcine Periodical and be done with pop cultural ideals! Size 10 is not plus sized. Not on any planet!


  1. It's sad what the media portrays as "normal" or attractive as most photo's are brushed up. I feel for the younger generations who try to follow such unrealistic guidelines. The sooner you can be happy with who you are the better life will be. I have been up and down that spectrum and honestly Im happy not having to worry about what goes in my mouth or how my clothes fit. Great article!

  2. I'm still working on it, too, Lori!
