Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interpersonal Confusion - April 15, 2007

How often do we talk and what we say is completely miscontrued? Is English such a tough language to understand? If something is hot, doesn't that mean the same thing to everyone? Hot - you'll be burned. Why is it so difficult to convey what we truly mean, then? What other way do we have to get our point across? With friends, family and loved ones, we have many chances to clear up misunderstandings. With others, we often only get one chance, either because it's a one-time meeting or because misconceptions prevent any further communication.

How often do we say something and what is mirrored back to us isn't even remotely what we said? How can a simple sentence be skewed to mean something entirely different? Somewhere between my lips and the listener's ears there are filters invisible to both of us that change the texture, the fabric, the very being of the message. What are these filters? The filters are made up of the deepest layers of our very being. How someone hears is a clue to who that person really is.

The sad thing is that often when trying to most impress someone with who we are, the message they receive can be one entirely opposite what we wanted them to think. Telling someone all the things going on in your life may be meant to convey an active, fulfilled life but what comes across is that you have no time for anything else.

Is it any wonder that people don't understand each other? Language is an imprecise way to communicate especially in light of how personal agendas put a spin on how we are heard.

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